My wife Patricia and I are grateful for the thousands of jumpers and hundreds of families who have participated in the various programs we have conducted throughout the years. The growth of the Bouncing Bulldogs Program has continued because of the high level of community support, especially from dedicated parents and grandparents. The Bouncing Bulldogs has jumpers participating in our programs from thirty different schools in multiple counties of North Carolina. Additionally, these jumpers come from nineteen different countries throughout the world. In some cases, families have driven forty-five miles one-way to practice, or flown hundreds of miles to participate in one of our camps. This level of commitment is what makes our program so special to many people around the world.
The Bouncing Bulldogs Community Outreach Initiative is changing many lives locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. We are working with current jumpers in our program to think of more ways to engage children, youth, and adolescents in fun, physical activities, incorporating the use of ropes. In order to accomplish this, we want all our jumpers to become excellent teachers and ambassadors for the sport of jump rope. To teach is to learn twice, according to Chines poet and philosopher Lao Tzu. We in the Bouncing Bulldogs program agree with this philosophy.
The Bouncing Bulldogs Community Center will be the first jump rope gym in the world erected from the ground up, born from a vision to create a space where young minds could continue to grow and train their bodies using the art and science of jump rope. Our new Bouncing Bulldogs home will be a place where people from around the world can share in our vision to use the rope to connect people from different walks of life, helping them to grown physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually. We are thankful to all the people worldwide who have helped us to fulfill this dream. Thank you for helping us to make the world a better place.