As Spring Fever sets in, the Bouncing Bulldogs continue to work toward their goals. With competition growing closer and our huge 5k fundraising event right around the corner, the Bulldog gym is buzzing. On April 25th, the Bouncing Bulldogs will host their first annual 5k Event to Challenge Obesity at Herndon Road Park in Durham. The event will include a 5k race, an awards ceremony to celebrate those who have participated in the 6 Week Program to Challenge Obesity, and an opportunity for the Bouncing Bulldogs to connect with the community. One of the goals of this event is to raise money for the brand new Bouncing Bulldogs Community Center: the first permanent home for the Bouncing Bulldogs. Bulldog team members, their families, and their friends have supported the program through the process of fundraising for the gym and planning the events, and now it is time to see all of their hard work pay off! Everyone is welcome to participate in this event, as the Bulldogs are hoping it will be the final push to obtain all the funds we need to get the gym built. Registration will be open until the 15th of April, please sign up if you haven’t already, and we will see you there!
As Spring Fever sets in, the Bouncing Bulldogs continue to work toward their goals. With competition growing closer and our huge 5k fundraising event right around the corner, the Bulldog gym is buzzing. On April 25th, the Bouncing Bulldogs will host their first annual 5k Event to Challenge Obesity at Herndon Road Park in Durham. The event will include a 5k race, an awards ceremony to celebrate those who have participated in the 6 Week Program to Challenge Obesity, and an opportunity for the Bouncing Bulldogs to connect with the community. One of the goals of this event is to raise money for the brand new Bouncing Bulldogs Community Center: the first permanent home for the Bouncing Bulldogs. Bulldog team members, their families, and their friends have supported the program through the process of fundraising for the gym and planning the events, and now it is time to see all of their hard work pay off! Everyone is welcome to participate in this event, as the Bulldogs are hoping it will be the final push to obtain all the funds we need to get the gym built. Registration will be open until the 15th of April, please sign up if you haven’t already, and we will see you there!
The Bouncing Bulldogs program has positively shaped me in more ways than I can possibly count. As a six year old, I donned my first blue and white Bulldog uniform. I was a loud, excessively energetic, and to be totally honest, pretty “big headed” (as Coach would say) child who had a natural knack for jump rope. Being a Bulldog opened my eyes to the joys of teamwork, the endless value of giving to others, and importantly for me in particular, the necessity for humility and grace. Coach Fredrick showed me that I could hit the highest speed score or do the most amazing skill in the world, but that without the love and support of the team behind me, such success would not be possible, and could only bring me a certain degree of satisfaction. In my travels with the program, whether it be to an inner city school in the middle-of-nowhere Tennessee, or to the shambles of shanty towns in Capetown, South Africa, each child I taught, person I met, and culture I discovered gave me a unique lasting understanding of the world around me, especially for an upper-middle class white girl from an upper-middle class town. The program’s reach has extended into all parts of my life. I was fortunate enough to travel with the team to esteemed colleges like Oxford University in England, Columbia University in New York City, and most significantly the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. Such experiences gave me a model for what I could have if I worked hard enough in school. I’m currently approaching my graduation from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. I am so proud to say that after four of the hardest academic years of my life, my most prized possessions all come from my jump rope team. Coach Fredrick and the Bouncing Bulldogs instilled in me a love of diversity, a strong voice, and most importantly an undying passion to use my fortunes to give back to those who have not been so lucky. Regardless of my physical proximity to the Bulldog gym, the program has, is, and always will be with me through everything and anything life throws my way. |
THE JUMPERSWe come from 18 different countries and attend many of the schools in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina. We are world, national, regional and sate champions in the growing sport of jump rope. We like to think of ourselves as ambassadors for health, fitness and youth development. Archives
January 2022