6th Grader
On Friday, January 3rd, 2020 the Bouncing Bulldogs kicked off their 4th Annual Kenzie Ruston Jump-a-thon. For the next 24 hours, at least one person would be jumping in the “bounce booth” space at all times so that someone would be jumping for all 1440 minutes of the event. This event was held in honor of Kenzie Ruston, who was one of the captains of the Bulldogs during my first year on the team. She really meant a lot to me and I always loved learning from her. I am really glad that we have the chance to remember her each year at the Jump-a-thon.
I enjoyed seeing so many alumni that came back to support Kenzie. It showed me that so many people respected her even if they were older than her. It was also nice to see the alumni that have only been gone for a few years as well. It is really clear that Kenzie meant a lot to all of the alumni, especially when we let the balloons go for her birthday on Saturday.
I also loved playing games. We played single rope and double dutch games, and the seniors made it like a competition. We were split into teams by grade and whoever won that game got a certain amount of points for their team. Another thing that the seniors added was playing group routine songs and then you would have to do the routine if you knew it. This is cool because then the whole gym is doing one routine at the same time. This also showed Kenzie’s spirit because we were all doing this in honor of her. I learned a new group routine at Holiday Camp called Crazy Frog. I really enjoyed doing this routine with the older kids during the Jump-a-thon.
At the very end, everyone was jumping for the last minute. This is really fun because this is what Kenzie would have wanted - everyone jumping together as a big family. This is really when I could feel her spirit. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to attend the 4th Annual Kenzie Ruston Jump-a-thon. Kenzie was very special to me and I always wanted to learn from her and be like her.